Welcome to the Greenest Show on Earth, aka this week’s Carnival of the Green! Many thanks to City Hippy and TriplePundit for starting this traveling show. I am honored to be your host this week!!
If you are new to the Carnival of the Green, more information about submitting posts and hosting the carnival can be found at City Hippy and Triple Pundit.
Soooo…… to start things off….we’ll look at the shopping posts…after all, this is a shopping blog and ’tis the season!!!
Jen’s Green Journal continues her series on environmentally friendly and/or fair trade gift giving. (great stuff!!) City Hippy chimes in as well with some green gift solutions just in time for the festivities!!
More gift giving ideas from Greenermagazine featuring the wonderful story behind the company, Green Glass Inc. (They make cool stuff!!)
To wrap it up (hohoho!!) Dee’s ‘Dotes has a timely post titled: “Holidays, Consumerism and Stress”. It is a commentary on the holiday frenzy of consumerism and the stress associated with it. The post also includes links to where people can learn more about alternative gift giving.
Moving on….
TreeHuggerMum pipes in with a great post titled “Say No to Nuclear!” on the recent support of the British Prime Minister Tony Blair of nuclear power, listing the downfalls of nuclear power, and promoting renewables as the way forward for the sake of future generations.
A new blog is next and one we’ll all enjoy reading and getting to know, called Terry! …short for Terra of course! This weeks submitted post is titled A Sustainability F.A.Q. by Jennifer McQeen. Great stuff comparing and contrasting sustainability and environmentalism. The piece ends with: “The most important change a person can make now, is to turn thought and concern into action. From being a knowledgeable consumer to being a responsible producer and becoming involved in local, provincial and national government to both push and allow for changes. It’s pretty much time to turn off that ringing alarm clock. ” HERE HERE!!!
Now, here’s a post I’ll be paying attention to…living in Boston is awesome!! but it is cold and the heating bills hurt. Greenthinkers have a great bost on Winterizing your home in One Day!!” They recommend getting a professional to inspect your heating system every year. I think I’ve skipped that step the last couple of years!! Thanks greenthinkers for all the tips.
Hip and Zen blog brings it home with a post on Lime, a new media company that strives to appeal to those who care about the environment, healthy living…and psychics!! How Green Carnival-esque!!
The Blue Voice (new blog to me!) submitted a tw0-part post on Richard W. Pombo, representative to Congress from Tracy, CA, and currently Chair of the House Resources Committee. Part 1 and Part 2
And keeping up the political theme, Enviropundit: Green Building Blog, has a great post on the apparent contradiction between China’s desire for sustainable growth and its actions.
Animal Broadcast Network brings us up to date with the new Georgia Aquarium. There seems to be two sides to this fishy tale, so check out the post and make your mind up yourself.
And last but certainly not least …Dirty Greek has quite the report on his local Organic yummy Thanksgiving feast.
That’s all for now, thanks everyone for letting me host this week’s Carnival of the Green. Next week, we’ll be at The Greener Side and a big thank you to Sustainablog for doing such a great job last week. This post is also linked to TLB’s Ubercarnival. And we’ll be back tomorrow with some great green goods for all your holiday shopping!!