GreatGreenGoods has had the pleasure to host the Carnival of the Green three years in a row, during the week after Thanksgiving. COTG is a roving digest of the green blogosphere, managed by Treehugger. Carnival of the Green roams from blog to blog each week, offering entertaining and enlightening bits and bytes – with an ecopolitical-green-sustainable focus.
Last weeks Carnival of the Green was hosted at Savvy Vegetarian. Next week’s carnival is happening at Fish Feet.
Without further ado, here is this week’s carnival:
Tiffany Washko presents Eco Friendly Yoga Socks posted at Natural Family Living Blog. I need some of these!
A new blog called Snarfd, penned by Chris Baskind and Shea Gunther have a post titled: Don’t Water Your Lawn: Paint It! With record droughts spreading across the U.S., Australia, and elsewhere, local officials are clamping down on lawn watering. So how to keep your front yard looking green in an eco-friendly and water-smart way? Paint it!
The Good Human gives us all a good reason to Go Green and Save Money. Going green, as well as helping the environment, can also save the average person a ton of money. Maybe some of these will work on your skeptical Uncle, even if he thinks we are all a bunch of crazy tree-hugging hippies!
Hell’s Handmaiden presents A Climate Grab Bag.
Inside Montana discusses a survey ranking How Green Your State Is.
Pickel gives us a post titles: Discussing Autism – Schools Go Green? over at Discussing Autism.
Adam Williams from Life Goggles has two new interviews:
One with the founder of Eco-Libris and the second with a green house builder.
Colette Chandler, Green Marketing Expert at Keyboard Culture reveals the latest on the green and LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) consumer, who they are and how you can tap into this $230 billion marketplace in her article “LOHAS and Green Tools.”
Intelligent Travel is talking about Tour Guide: Peru.
GreatGreenBaby is having a contest giving away organic cotton onesies from now until the end of the year. Stop by and leave a comment or signup for the newsletter to enter.
Wanta avoid all the tailpipe emissions and traffic hassles while looking for gifts for the holidays? Try these tips from Veggie Revolution, for no-shopping, no-driving, earth-friendly and wildlife-friendly presents.
Melanie Rimmer submitted a post on her blog, Bean Sprouts about a new website that encourages people to share their skills, time, tools and space with their local community, called Freeconomy.
That’s all folks See you next week at Fish Feet.