You don’t need to pollute the planet to prove your love…try one of these adorable heart pins made from random bits of fabric scraps. $16.00 at TresArty’s Etsy Shop Pin It
Recycled T Shirts
We’re all spent from the holiday and now need to regroup and make something beautiful for ourselves that doesn’t cost a lot of money! Everyone has a spare T-shirt hanging around. Check out the beautiful ideas: This neckware is created by Etsy seller Johnny Vegas Originals. Lots of different colors and styles available […]
Eco Friendly Wreaths
We combed the web and came up with wreaths made from recycled cans, upcycled wool felted sweaters, wine corks, recycled paper, recycled vintage books and eco-friendly organic greens. Check out the eco-friendly wreath collection 2011>>
Handbags created from recycled records
From Brazilian artist, Gueth Freitas, beautifully painted handbags made from recycled records. She paints on the black vinyl records with “nanquin” a Chinese ink …her designs are bold and punchy! She paints enough of the surface to give is a strong graphic look, however, if examined closely your admirers will see the classic tracks of […]
Recycled Rubber Bands
There are a lot of us who would like to make an impact on the world, in some way or another. We’d like to make a contribution, change things for the better, improve lives, leave behind something positive. When I was training to be a Jedi knight back in the 70s, there was technique I […]