Links we Love
About My Planet Blog and Discussion Boards
Changing the World one Gift at a Time
The Green Guide
Informing Today’s Choices, Shaping Tomorrow’s World
The Consumers Union Guide to Environmental Labels
Healthy People Health Planet
Earth 911
Enter your zip code and receive local recycling and environmental information
Global Warming: Undo It
Global Warming: Undo It is a major national campaign, spearheaded by Environmental Defense, to increase public awareness about the dangers of global warming, to press political and other leaders in the U.S. for more aggressive action against global warming, and to win passage of the Climate Stewardship Act in Congress.
Grist Magazine
Environmental news and commentary.
the green wardrobe
recycled and revamped goods…
ecorazzi the latest in Green Gossip
TreeHugger is the definitive, modern yet green lifestyle filter. It will help you improve your course, yet still maintainyour aesthetic.
Kristen Andersen
Sustainable design, living & style
Sustainablog is dedicated to news, information and personal meanderings related to environmental and economic sustainability, green and sustainable business, and environmental politics.
The Groovy Mind
trading in higher consciousness
organic – fair trade – eco-friendly goods
Recycled Products
Weisenbach Printing
Hip and Zen
modern lifestyle products that nurture the body & soul
the hip & zen pen
celebrating the ethos and aesthetic of hip & zen
Jen’s Green Journal
Jen’s Green Journal
Adventures left of the norm
Everyday Trash A closer look at what we throw away.