Who can resist to sit down and color? I bet I could find the time to play with crayons, if I had this great set with all the colors! These are shaped like stars and are made from 100% recycled materials (I guess they are made from other crayons!) All non-toxic materials. Each star is about 2 inches length …with 5 points.
$10.50 at Amazon for 20 colorful stars
If stars aren’t your thing …how about ice cream cones?
$14.00 at RedElmDesigns Etsy Shop for 14 ice cream cone crayons
Or fish?
$13.50 at RedElmDesigns Etsy Shop for 15 fish shaped crayons
This etsy artist have every shape imaginable…See recycled crayons in the shape of airplanes, penquins, cupcakes, dragons!
Etsy artist art2theextreme has a different take on recycled crayons and jumbles all the colors together in one shape. I like these better!! …it is more creative, less controlled and more open to chance! We’re talking about coloring after all!! …we’re supposed to go outside the lines!
$7.00 at art2theextreme Etsy Shop for set of 3 recycled crayons
$7.50 at art2theextreme etsy shop for a set of 9 Recycled Crayons – el Dia de los Muertos
Perfect for favors or little gifts for your friends!
Want to make your own recycled crayons?
Here’s a place to recycle your old unloved crayons>>