A place to stash your cash! Perfect holiday gift since eveyone is counting their pennies this Christmas season. Wallets are something that everyone needs and they come in a variety of eco-friendly options. The best thing about them? their price won’t break the bank.
Created by a New Orleans artist from recycled neckties. Out of fashion? No way with the “green” eco wallet that gives new life to this vintage tie.
$24.00 at PrixPrix’s Etsy Shop
Created by Philippino artisans who make these colorful wallets from funky recycled juice boxes. Fun and eco-friendly!
$19.95 at Amazon
For the music lover in your life, the perfect little change purse created from a recycled cassette.
Your choice between Paula Abdul or Bovarian Folk Songs.
$26.50 at Groovebag’s Etsy Shop
For the tennis player in your life, this wallet was created from the cover of a tennis racket. Sturdy and long lasting! Card holders and passport holders also available.
$30.00 Mittenmaker’s Etsy Shop
Created from recycled bike tubes.
$25.00 at Second Hand Cyclist’s Etsy Shop
Created from discarded gift wrapping paper and reclaimed convention center vinyl name tag badges. Lots of styles and colors available.
$30.00 at Skinwalker’s Etsy Shop
A recycled sweater is felted and transformed into a wallet or business card holder.
$8.00 at Steviegrace’s Etsy Shop
Created from recycled rice bags.
$18.95 for a set of 3 at Reusable Bags
These eco-chic bags and are made by a women’s co-op in the Philippines using recycled foil juice packs.
$12.95 each at Amazon