Tonight I was looking for some inspiration and stumbled upon several artists creating recycled beads and necklaces specifically from recycled wool sweaters or blankets. Something about the bright colors combined with “fuzziness” provided some warm comfort on a sad lonely day. The first artist I came upon was from Argentina. Lua Chea specializes in eco-friendly accessories made from wool, threads and fabric remnants along with a few buttons thrown in. The fabrics are usually remnants and leftovers from textile manufacturers. Leather and suede is gathered from shoe, belt and purse factories. Their designs are beautiful and inspirational.
Available for sale at Ans Designs
This next artist (from Etsy) creates everything from bags, purses and mittens to fun holiday decorations. This item featured is what they came up with for the leftovers.
The colors caught my eye couldn’t they? This is a garland made from wool scraps ready to decorate your window or bulletin board to remind you that life is happy and good!
$24.00 at MaddyAndMe’s Etsy Shop (check it out for lots of handmade knit felted wonderfulness!
This artist is working with many recycled materials, the wool felt being only one small component. I fell in love with several necklaces made up of many beautiful arrangements.
This etsy artist combines handmade felted wool beads with recycled vintage glass and plastic beads. Artful color and texture combinations!
$20.00 at ThreePeat’s Etsy Shop
This artist from the Netherlands, works with vintage woolen blankets and felted Merino wool. You can see more of her work over on Flickr –
Prices range from $25.00 – $40.00 at Eexterhout’s Etsy Shop
This artist uses hand dyed salvaged wool that she then felts into these wild colorful necklaces. They look so simple but they have the ability to be the finishing item to pull the perfect outfit together.
$22.00 at MaisyandAlice’s Etsy Shop
Aren’t all these necklaces delicious? Interested in trying your hand on hacking up an old sweater and turning it into fashionable neckwear? During my travels, I found a few tutorials listed below:
Tutorials for making felt beads from recycled sweaters
- From The Hive and Rebecca Parsons>>
- Funky Felter’s Helpful Tips for Making Wool Felt Beads>>
- How to Make Felt Beads from WoollyFabulous – $4.00
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