Whenever people replace their old phones with AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile new cell phones, a lot of phones get thrown away, causing harm to the environment. However, there is a safer alternative: recycling cell phones.
Recycle your cellphone resources:
Call2Recycle http://www.call2recycle.org
Electronic Industries Alliance Consumer Education Initiative http://www.eiae.org/whatsnew/news.cfm?ID=100
Happy Hollow Park Zoo, San Jose, CA – all funds raised go to the Orangutan Conservancy http://www.hhpz.org/cons/action/cell.php
SanDiego Zoo – http://www.sandiegozoo.org/news/cell_phone_recycling.html
CollectiveGood http://www.collectivegood.com/
Charitable Recycling Program http://www.charitablerecycling.com/
Wireless Recycling http://www.wirelessrecycling.com/