The Green Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creatively promoting and encouraging environmental sustainability in New Orleans. The project recycles building materials and paint, deconstructs homes and salvages usable materials. Cristal from NYC today (but originally NOLA) is currently coordinating a fundraiser for this important group.
For every donation that is made this month (April 2007), you will be entered into a raffle that will be held on April 26, 2007. The prizes are going green gift bags which are filled with 15 easy things that will help you to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The bags themselves are from friends like Ideal Bite and Ecoist and they are filled with such green products as CFL bulbs, water conservation tools, biodegradable laundry detergent, and preserve toothbrushes. and many more fun green gifts!
Head on over to the NOLA green project and give a $10.00 donation and you will be eligible for the green gift bags and help to green up New Orleans!